My friend Beezus has a dilemma. 

She is so cute and adorable and sweet and all that junk, that too many boys are vying for her attention.

Now, now boys. There is no need to fight or get ugly.

You all offer her something in your own way.
Damian, that hair color is ridiculous.

Norman, well you got that going for you.

Clint, I mean, Clint, I'm pretty sure you created badassery.

I just don't think you boys understand. It's not about picking or choosing or coming out on top.

It's only about working out some type of schedule....

And you know, be willing to get creative....
like maybe costumes,

Yup, that's good too,

Maybe too many layers, but good job, you're getting the idea.

See boys, she might be tiny, but there's enough love and other stuff to go around.