Monday, January 12, 2015

Tattoo'd girls Rock!!

 This little guy was drawn by the awesome author and illustrator, Dan Santat.  
Octopus-Dan Santat

One of our fangirls here at fables happens to love cephalopods and kids books, so it was meant to be!

Whats even awesomer than getting a fangirl tattoo....?  Getting permission and praise from the artist!!!!

Dan Santat@dsantat
Amazing librarian, Ashlee Norwood, tattooed her body with my artwork. I am humbled beyond words. 

That's right boys, this girl just got a little bit more badass!!!!!!!
8. Finding this gif… | Community Post: 10 Ways You Might Accidentally Become Obsessed With Benedict Cumberbatch

Easy, easy there babe. It'll be there forever. We got time to appreciate it!
"Benedict Cumberbatch Reading This Poem May Be The Sexiest Thing Ever. Click through" Repinning it for later