As you know, we fangirls love and support one another, we are family!!

And in doing so, the other day I sent my counterpart here at FFF about a gazillion Cumberbatch gifs

So after spending an entire day Cumberbatchin' (that is, in between my IRL duties which are mostly ZERO fun and I will not itemize here for you) I was eager for a good nights rest.

Where's Nathan??

Which is confounding because they're like sweatpants, really, and well we all know the issue when dudes wear sweats.

Don't be mad Cumbercookies, I can't control what my subconscious assumes about the Batch!!

YOU mad Ben??

Aw, don't be mad! Can we be friends?????!!!!?????

OH. OK. It's totally cool. But just, FYI, you were very nice and helpful during my escape/running from the bad guys dream. Despite your awkward wardrobe.

Well you know, it's not my style to get all graphic. Gotta leave a little to the ole imagination now don't we?

So here ends my tale of weird cross-fandom contamination. And a warning to all you fangirls out there...if you send you friends 9 million gifs of THEIR fandoms, you may find yourself dreaming of the wrong hero too!!!!

(yeah yeah, Ben, super funny.)
This. Is. Awesome.