I'm sorry if I sounded harsh, bro.

I think it's easy for both of us to forget that when one of us is down and the other is up, encouragement doesn't always work to get the other out of a funk.

I don't want you to think that I'm mad at you for trying to bring up my spirits. Maybe my first reaction wasn't awesome, but I KNOW you're just concerned and trying to help out.


I don't think you've ever seen me in a funk before. At least one not this bad. Me being able to reach out to you has been fucking awesome and part of why I haven't fallen deeper into the rabbit hole of darkness.

I just don't want you to think that everytime you reach out your hand, you'll pull back a bloody stump. Cause if you stop reaching, I slowly stop believing I have anything to hold on for.

Holy Fuck that sounds so fucking dramatic.

I just mean, thank you for loving me and making me feel loved and if I snap at you when you're making awesome suggestions to try to make my life better, don't get mad or upset. Okay? Just remember what's it like to be in a funk and have someone tell you how to get out of it. I know you didn't want to hear it when our roles were reversed.

I hope this brought a smile to your face and that you still love me. "Cause I love you. And I'm sorry I let you down. I'm so sorry, daddy. But you let me down too"...... Whoa. Sorry about that. Just channelled a little Dirty Dancing. FUCK YES! I even found a gif!

(and yes, this is how my brain works. I start to say something, it's sounds like a movie quote, and then that's all my brain can hear. Just so you know that you have not let me down. I just have to finish the quote.)

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