Hellooooooo fellow fangirls and fanboys....sorry we've been away for awhile but you know - life!

So it has come to pass that the fangirls have been going through many mysterious and epic changes the past year...

We are both adulting at maximum velocity, without too much complaining...

And is that the faint, pungent stench of l'amour in the air?? No wayyyyyyyy....ok well maybe! So what!???!!!?? Who cares!! Anyway SHHHH it's a secret.

The MOST important thing though, the thing that we know you actually care about...

Is that the fangirls got EVEN GEEKIER in the last year!!!!

We KNOW!!!! How could this possibly be TRUE!?

Everyone said it couldn't be done! Seriously, how could two dorky mcgeekerton's like the fangirls get even geekier?!? Impossible.

But we HAVE friends - and this is how we did it.

Step 1 - Join a Geeky Club.

One of the fangirls has managed to get tangled up in a space club in which she is learning the intricacies of the universe. It's good to meet new geek friends, and also as we all learned while traveling to and from band/theater/art in high school - SAFETY IN NUMBERS PEOPLE! Mostly so she can be a passable ships navigator when the Millennium Falcon and/or Serenity finally comes to pick her up.

(Because galley duty is for CHUMPS yo....and she's way too blind to be an effective gunner.)

One of the fangirls has managed to get tangled up in a space club in which she is learning the intricacies of the universe. It's good to meet new geek friends, and also as we all learned while traveling to and from band/theater/art in high school - SAFETY IN NUMBERS PEOPLE! Mostly so she can be a passable ships navigator when the Millennium Falcon and/or Serenity finally comes to pick her up.

(Because galley duty is for CHUMPS yo....and she's way too blind to be an effective gunner.)
Step 2 - Become a Geek Role-model to Area Youth.

Like, she's been doing this for years but at this point it's on a massive scale. Oh yeah, if there is one way to be the ultimate nerd it's to TEACH THE CHILDREN THE WAYS OF THE FORCE. So basically she's Yoda. Or Qui-Gon Jinn. But not Obi Wan because, well, you know how that turned out.

Like, she's been doing this for years but at this point it's on a massive scale. Oh yeah, if there is one way to be the ultimate nerd it's to TEACH THE CHILDREN THE WAYS OF THE FORCE. So basically she's Yoda. Or Qui-Gon Jinn. But not Obi Wan because, well, you know how that turned out.

Step 3 - Appear in a Comic Book.

YES!!! THIS HAPPENED!!!!! It was in the letters section, she wasn't turned into a character or anything (swoon! can you imagine!?) but still....how cool is that?

YES!!! THIS HAPPENED!!!!! It was in the letters section, she wasn't turned into a character or anything (swoon! can you imagine!?) but still....how cool is that?
Step 4 - Expand Your Geek Repertoire.

Seriously, it's great to be devoted to your particular fandom, but there is SO MUCH GOOD STUFF out there - old things you maybe missed, things from abroad that are just being released here, new things coming out via all the indie outlets. There is so much to enjoy, get out there and give it a look! Variety is the spice of life! And that includes documentaries and stuff dudes!!!

Seriously, it's great to be devoted to your particular fandom, but there is SO MUCH GOOD STUFF out there - old things you maybe missed, things from abroad that are just being released here, new things coming out via all the indie outlets. There is so much to enjoy, get out there and give it a look! Variety is the spice of life! And that includes documentaries and stuff dudes!!!
PEACE OUT! Talk to you nuts later!!

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