Saturday, February 15, 2014

Being Brave

A'right there love?  I know you haven't been thinking of me as often and that's okay.  I know you've had some heavy thoughts lately.
Benedict Cumberbatch - benedict-cumberbatch Photo: the reason i have been having smoking dreams lately...*sigh*

I just wanted to remind you life isn't always sunshine and rainbows.

Remember, you don't have to be mad at life.

Remember, you are strong.

Remember, super heroes aren't heroes just because they're super.
wonder woman <3

Remember, you are no mere muggle.

Remember, you have the ability to be a god.
Burdened with glorious Loki locks (gif)

Remember, you are not a princess, but a queen.
John Barrowman.... in drag.    Look at those legs and tell me he's not beautiful!

And more importantly, you are loved!

i knew it!

37 Times In 2013 Benedict Cumberbatch Proved He Was King Of The Internet

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