Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Just Another Tuesday

Fangirl 1: Baby and me coming up.  I can't wait to be all happy from the cuteness and have my insides burn with want..... 

Fangirl 2: ts OK man. I've heard that babies hate Cumberbatch, so it's prolly best to be child-free at the moment. 

BENEDICT: "Aww its a wee sweet wittle baby! C'mere you cute baby-waby!"
BABY: "Back off, Cumberbutt. You suck!"
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Fangirl 1: Whacha thinkin bout, Benedict?

"Oh, you know.  Life and junk.  All the babies I hate and that they hate me.  Babies.  Pfffht.  Who wants that?  Buggy little bastards."

Fangirl 2: So Benedict, I heard you were pretty pissed about that baby getting up in your grill the other day. 
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"Yeah, bro, it was crazy. I was just minding my own business, having a little snack..."
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"when this belligerent baby comes out of nowhere and is all --hey cumberboob, you suck donkey balls!--"
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"so you know I told that baby where he could stick it...
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and ran outta there before the little pratt could say a WORD!"
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