Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Trouble With Shipping

Hey love, I know you're super busy right now, but we need to talk.
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I keep, like, reading all this stuff? About you and god knows who else. Like being "together". 
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Yeah, seriously! Like, together together!
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Weird, right? And I mean, it's not just you and John. It's John and Moriarty, it's Moriarty and you...
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Well, really, it's just everyone plus everyone. It's a total free for all! And I find it very confusing. 

Okay, it's not the first time a man I desperately love has fallen for someone else. Or gotten funky on the weekend.
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Buuuuuuut I'm just really hoping that it is just a rumor, or some kind of silliness...unless of course that kind of thing IS your bag, baby. 
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Cos if it is? I guess I'll just have to get used to it. Which I will. (Since you super foyyyyyyyyn.) 
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(And honestly you ain't the first kinky hombre to pirouette through my back door!)
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